
Game of thrones s08e01 wiki
Game of thrones s08e01 wiki

However, power begins to slip through her fingers as she endorses a more zealous faction of the religion that arrests her for her charges of incest and adultery. The war in the south has ended and Cersei is queen regent for Tommen. In the far east, Daenerys attacks the citties of Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen and ends the practice of slavery. In the far north, the King-Beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder attacks the North, but is repelled by Stannis's forces. His uncle Tyrion is arrested and stands to die, but he escapes, killing his own father Tywin in the process. Joffrey too is poisoned at his own wedding, and the throne passes to his brother Tommen. Robb and his mother Catelyn are both killed during the wedding, Lord Frey offended by Robb breaking his betrothal to a Frey daughter. Before doing so, he goes to the Twins to see his uncle married to a daughter of Lord Frey. Robb Stark fights in the Riverlands, yet is pushed back and decides to retreat to retake the North from the ironborn. In the east, Daenerys receives prophetic visions in the city of Qarth. Winterfell is captured by the Ironborn, but later burns down when loyalists repel the ironborn forces. Balon Greyjoy wishes to take more land for himself, and invades the North while Robb is away fighting in the south. Renly is killed by a shadow assassin, and Stannis presses on to the capital, though suffers defeat in the Battle of Blackwater. Meanwhile, Robb Stark and Balon Greyjoy both desire to break away from the Iron Throne. Robert's "son" Joffrey sits on the throne, but his uncles Stannis and Renly both claim the Iron Throne. She fails to bring him back to life, but once she climbs on his funeral pyre, she hatches three newborn dragons. In the east, Daenerys is married to Khal Drogo, who is injured and is near death. Ned is arrested and executed, and his son rebels against the crown, declaring himself King in the North. Before he can reveal this, the king is killed under mysterious circumstanced. While in the capital of King's Landing, he discovers that the king's children are not his own, but rather the product of an affair between the queen and her own brother. Ned Stark is appointed the new Hand by King Robert, and comes south with his two daughters.

Game of thrones s08e01 wiki